A Global Career Development Consultant

With the power of IT and guidance and experience from ANDELUS, you can achieve your dream of having a global career. ANDELUS and the seekers are indeed a single team to achieve a common goal, each with different roles within the team.

Founded in 2023 by a dynamic team of tech visionaries hailing from the tech-savvy realms of India and Germany, ANDELUS embodies a fusion of expertise and innovation. Our founders are alumni of top-tier institutions in India, bringing forth an illustrious academic background coupled with over two decades of experience in delivering unparalleled IT products, services, and world-class corporate training. Having left an indelible mark across the technological landscape of the USA, Europe, and Asia, our team is on a mission to empower aspiring talents for a global career.

At ANDELUS, we're not just a team; we're a global movement. Our dedicated experts are committed to leveraging their real-time, international experience to propel ambitious individuals towards an expansive future. We understand the pulse of the global market, and we're here to tailor our services for career aspirants, job seekers, and students by meticulously analyzing their unique backgrounds, potentials, and passions. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, unlocking doors to a world of opportunities and success. Join ANDELUS and let's craft your global success story!

  • Analysysing The Potential Of A Candidate After Reviewing His/Her Profile.
  • Implementing Unique Career Development Model For Each Candidate
  • Allocating A Dedicated Guide For Each Seeker
  • Transforming Young Energy Into A Productive System

Importance of A Guide !

On average, we all spend about 15+ years completing our standard education. From childhood, each of us has either a teacher or a guide alongside us. Afterwards, we embark on our next crucial journey, which spans about 40 years and is almost lifelong. Surprisingly, many students and young professionals miss out on consulting with a career guide in the early stages of their careers. Missing a career guide means not being aware of many hidden secrets and opportunities in one's career path. Learning what lies within the industry and the various interdependent technical and non-technical aspects is a MUST to develop a successful and sustainable career.

Why You Need A Career Guide?

  • As You Consult with a Fitness coach, Lawyer, Finacial advisor!

    In our lives, we hire or consult with specialists for most of the areas such as physical fitness, mental well-being, financial goals, health issues, legal matters, etc. But when it comes to our careers, it is observed that we stay blank and void in taking guidance from a specialist and subject expert. Most of the time, the quality of one's life is dependent on his/her career. So to have a successful life, it is high time to hire a career consultant.

  • The Knowledge and Experience of a Specialist Matters

    Having spent more than two decades in the IT industry allows us to share the best experience and the right guidance with the next generation. It has been seen in the past that the IT sector is more dynamic than any other field. The rapid enhancement of software technology expects the work force to learn all the time to cope up with the pace. Not only for technical skills, but also to work in different teams and environments, one has to develop various soft skills specific to IT. Only subject experts and experienced people in the same field can guide on this.

  • Being aware of Future at a early stage

    As a student, it becomes almost impossible to know the real picture of the IT industry, its expectations, work culture, and ethics. The resources who have already worked for a long time in IT industry are the genuine sources of knowledge and wisdom. Students and young professionals should leverage the experiences of success and failure of such people to better prepare for their future.

Our Strength

Global Opportunities

We are spreaded over India and Europe, and also having collaboration with US firms. Having contacts in South East Asia, Middle East Asia, Europe and USA, it enables us to provide services as per seekers skills and preferences.

Power Of Online

Offline guidance has the limitation of bringing global power into the service of the masses. We leverage the power of the online ecosystem and bring global resources to serve seekers from every corner of the world.

Individul preference

We believe that every individual is unique by nature. By giving priority to the abilities of approaching candidates and their mindsets, we create a specific career development plan for every individual.

Hybrid Team

Our guides come from the IT Industry as well as academic. This helps us understand the present mindset of students and the expectations from them by the industry. We analyze the possibilities intently and deliver the best.

Focusing On Talents

Not every student gets a chance to study computer science due to various reasons. But many have talents and can learn it with ease. We offer IT courses to sincere students and graduates to let them become IT professionals.

Collaboration and partnership

Developing one's career is a novel task. We believe in teamwork and are open to joining hands with institutes and Organizations in a structured way so more candidates can benefit from a common effort.

What We Offer

Software Development Training

Software development encompasses a range of computer science activities, including design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing support. At our institute, we offer a diverse array of courses that go beyond just software development. Learn the holistic process, from design to support, and equip yourself for success in the tech world. Join us and embrace the full spectrum of software development activities!

Softskills Development

"Soft skills" embody personal values and interpersonal finesse crucial for thriving in collaborative environments. Our tailored soft skills development programs are pivotal for professional excellence, empowering individuals to soar in the workplace. Hone these essential skills and unlock your true potential for success!

Research Paper Publication

Research is a meticulous, step-by-step expedition. Whether in academia or industry, it demands a structured approach under the right guidance. At our hybrid team, we seamlessly blend academic rigor with real-world industry challenges. From handpicking the research problem to crafting publications for esteemed journals and conferences, we offer comprehensive guidance throughout. Embark on your research voyage with us — where expertise meets excellence!

Overseas Education

Dreaming of studying abroad opens doors to multifaceted exposure and limitless global opportunities. We're here to guide you through every step. From helping you discover the perfect institute to selecting suitable courses, crafting a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP), navigating application procedures, managing VISA processing, and ensuring a seamless onboarding experience – we're your companions on this transformative journey. Start your global education adventure with us!

Overseas Career

Dreaming of studying abroad? It's a vision of multifaceted exposure and boundless global opportunities. At our side, we're dedicated to making this dream a reality. We guide you in discovering the perfect institute, selecting suitable courses, crafting standout Statements of Purpose (SOP), managing application procedures, smoothing out VISA processing, and ensuring a seamless onboarding experience. Your journey to international education starts with us!

JOB Assistance

Your path to a prestigious job demands thorough preparation. Our job assistance program offers a comprehensive toolkit for success. From crafting standout CVs to defining your dream job profile, utilizing a proven job search model, receiving technical and non-technical training, practicing mock interviews, and gaining valuable job referrals – our end-to-end service is your key to securing a guaranteed job. Your dream job is within reach; let's make it a reality together!

Career Transformation

Our program is tailor-made for those without a computer science background but aspire to thrive in the IT and software realms. We excel at turning non-IT individuals into proficient IT resources. Our versatile career development programs welcome candidates from diverse backgrounds. Join us, and let's unlock your potential in the IT world!


Business collaboration is all about building meaningful connections. It's about uniting within your organization and extending a hand to external partners, working together to achieve common goals and tackle challenges. By pooling diverse skill sets, strengths, and perspectives, we can reach new heights. We extend an invitation to institutes and organizations to collaborate with us, a synergy that empowers and nurtures the potential of budding talents. Together, we pave the path to success!